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The Bachman's Summer Ideas House 2011...The Bedrooms and Media Room...

Today I'll continue the Bachman's 2011 Summer Ideas House tour!  Check out my 2 previous posts, if you are just joining us!  The four bedrooms are all on the upper floor of the house- one has been turned into a media room this time!  Lots of photos this time...hope I am not overloading your brain!  This is the girl's whimsical and charming!  I'll let the photos do the talking!

The boy's room is perfect for the skateboarder!

Skateboarding elements are everywhere!

Love the stick-on blackboard art...

The master bedroom had the natural elements again... LOVE this oar headboard...might have to try this at the lake!

How about the laundry rack side tables...

and these great flat back wall vases...

This magazine rack is an old furniture dolly!

The last room today is the fun Media Room!

An old carrom board makes a great table...

and the old film tin and record coasters are great re-use projects!

another of my favorites...such a great looking window treatment...

Love the vintage slide trays, which have been mirrored...

Lots more plants...

and a  wonderful graphic cushion!

Don't you love this graphic piece of wall art?

How about this whimsical film covered lampshade?

So many great ideas!  Next time I'll wrap it up with the outdoor areas, including my favorite space of this Ideas House...the outdoor writing and reading room called The Nook!

Until next time...I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I just love seeing what this home tour has to offer.
    My favorite thing here is the zipper upcycled soda bottles
    Genius Idea

  2. Linda, Enjoyed the pictures! Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. I am meeting 2 friends for lunch and a tour of the Idea House on Wednesday. I hope you get back to the Idea House with your daughter.

  3. Linda thanks for sharing those photo wow I wish I had had that room as a girl.. super cute and so magical... I see some ideas for the studio hugs wendy

  4. There are so many fantastic ideas here. Those bedrooms are amazing. Who wouldn't want a room like any one of these?

  5. All I can say is "WOW"!! What wonderful re-purposing!! Thanks for sharing with all of us too far away to see it in person!!

  6. There is just so much to see! It must take them forever to do all this :)

  7. There is just so much eye candy in this house tour. The kids' bedrooms are amazing. Although the master has some really interesting elements, I'm not so convinced they belong in the master...maybe a lake house master.

    Love the tour & appreciate your taking us along with you!

  8. 'Lots of good memories
    of walking these rooms
    with you, Linda! I still
    have to put up my little
    wall vase....need to get
    a decorative nail : ) I
    don't want to wish away
    the summer, but I'm already
    looking forward to the Fall
    Idea House!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Love the fun colors and the light in that first room!

  10. Wow! There is just so much inspiration to be gathered here!

    Thank you so much for sharing:)

    I especially love the flat backed vases, the skateboard shelves and the headboard made from oars!!!!

    I'm going to be looking at everything in an alternative way from now.

    Karen :)

  11. This was my favorite leg on your tour ~ so many great ideas! My son has a skateboard themed room and I see a few ideas to add to his room! As for the media room, wow!!

  12. Wow! What fabulous ideas, I'd go crazy in a place like this. I really like the boys room and those skateboard shelves. That headboard made from oars is brilliant.

  13. The imagination and creativity that went into every detail is amazing Linda! I bet it was fun walking through all of it. Can't wait to see the outdoor pics! t. xoxoox

  14. Oh Linda I love looking at the pics! Such creativity!!! So fun! Thanks for sharing! The butterflies on the wall are incredible! The paddle awesome!!! Take care! Hugs...Brenda in Texas

  15. Linda, once again I love to take this tour through you. Oh to be a little girl again.... I love the butterflies. So, how do we get them to do a wedding house, since that's the mode I'm in???? Thanks Linda. Ann

  16. Somebody did some serious thinking here! Love the paddle headboard. Just what every room needs--a furniture dolly! So many fun things in all these posts.

  17. I am beyond speechless, Linda!!! WOW!!! The skateboard room is unreal!

  18. Oh my!!! There is so much that I wanted to say, now I can't remember it all. The girls room was lovely, I especially love the huge crepe paper peonies and the butterflies.
    The boys room is one most boys would be wild about!
    The media room is fabulous, I love the vintage cameras and the slide carousels, what a great thing to do with them! I used to have several, but they are filled with pictures that my folks took and my sis has them now.
    Linda, thanks so much for sharing these, they are so fun to look at!
    The master bedrm headboard was very cool! And the old clothes hangers for outdoors! I used to have one of those, too. I used it outdoors, too. So it would look nice and old.
    Thanks again,
    Hugs, Cindy

  19. Love, love, love the media room and the boys room!!! So many cool ideas and junk reinvented!! Love to you too!! Still love the little itsy bits and pieces you sent me way back when!!!

  20. I see those carrom boards all the time at thrift stores or antique stores and they are normally pretty reasonable. It makes a great table. So many great ideas!

  21. Love to see more pictures of the Bachmann house! The carom board table is very cool, would be perfect for the game room.

  22. Hi, my little girls birthday is coming up. Can you tell me where I can find the items hung ( the light, flowery things and butterflies on the walls and ceilings? Thank you. Beautiful!

  23. wow some excellent storage ideas here! Living in a small terrace house in the UK, I always trying to look out for creative ideas. I loved that even that little piece of wall space was used for a planter. Storage aside though, I LOVE that paper pompoms in the first pictures, so pretty. I'd love those in my office space!

  24. I love the girl room. Could you tell me where you found and/or made the butterflies, light, flowers, etc.. Beautiful and love the whimsical feel.


    1. Hi Jenn- you can visit and use their "contact us" feature- they may be able to help you to source some items!

  25. do you know where the girl's bedding was found?? I am looking for that exact bedding.

  26. Did you make the butterflies in the girl's bedroom? If not, where does one find them? Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Diana- you can check the site...they have a contact us button and may be able to source them for you!

  27. Love the skateboard bedding! Where did you get the comforter?

    1. You can try visiting They have a contact us button, and may be able to source them for you! Thanks for stopping by!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I deleted my own comment, because I realized a lot of people have been asking the same question that I had posted .. regarding the butterflies! :) I will check out bachman's website ;)

  30. Where do you get the vases for the wall vases, I love this idea.

    1. Thanks Cathy, this was from a 2011 ideas house, so it may not be available anymore...but you can try contacting them on their website at and possibly they can source them for you!

  31. Where did you get the flat back wall vases you have inside a frame? I love those.

    1. The photo you are talking about was taken at a Bachman's Idea House. Bachman's is a commercial home decor, garden, and landscaping company in Minneapolis MN. Three times a year they host ideas houses to share ideas and their new products. They have a website at with a "contact us" feature, and I have heard they are helpful. They may be able to help you in sourcing the item!


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