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A Girls Gotta Do What A Girls Gotta Do... just gotta do it!  Now I know this wallpaper in my entry and stairway was a favorite of many of you, but I have had it for 10 years and was more than ready for a change!  I grabbed a corner and ripped a piece off the turning back... (and I saved LOTS for projects) Thank goodness I prepped the wall well before hanging the can see it came off easily and was down in  this large area in 2 hours.  I still have to give the wall a light scrubbing to get any paste or paper residue and then I'm ready to prime and paint! 

Even with the old wall prep walls, I am LOVING it much lighter and brighter...

My husband is quite attached to the taupe-gray paint on the tongue and groove wall...

but I like the soft white of the gingerbread...

Pinterest  to the rescue!  If you haven't visited Pinterest, it is FULL of the best inspiration!!  I think this photo is just what we need!  What do you think?  I LOVE it and I think this look will work in our space!

Until next time...I have a date with a stripper...



  1. I love your inspiration photo. It is going to look great!

  2. I think it would be great. You have such nice woodwork. Can't wait to see the end result!

  3. ooh so pretty.
    I love the inspiration photo, we just painted my moms kitchen these exact same colors.
    It is so bright and refreshing.
    You home is full of so many great victorian trims.
    Love the wide boards and the gingerbread. Have fun!!!

  4. Love the old wallpaper, but also think that your "new look" will be simply "Divine"!!! Can't wait to see the finished project!
    Cathy aka GGJ

  5. Linda, I`M so happy you could save some for creating- that wallpaper is SOO beautiful- but the white will look gorgeus- and make the room even more beautiful.

  6. Did you read my post today? Are you copying me or am I copying you! Great minds think alike I say.

  7. I really like that inspiration picture Linda! I'm a green gal myself. Anything you do will look lovely in that space. So many nice details. Ann

  8. I loved it, but I TOTALLY understand the need for change. I know it will be gorgeous!!

  9. Good luck to you. I loooove your inspiration photo!!!

  10. I loved that paper but this is going to look great!!!

  11. LOL...have fun stripping!!!
    Lots of work and it will be awesome when it's finished.
    deb :)

  12. It is going to be so pretty! That inspiration photo is perfect... and I will 2nd the pinterest to the rescue comment, I love it! t. xoxoxo

  13. Linda,
    I am so excited for you! Your inspiration picture is beautiful!! Can't wait to see more!

  14. Whooo hoo..can't wait to see what you do in there. What a job tearing down wallpaper...YUK! You made it lookd easy.

  15. Yeppers I'm loving your inspiration! But I also LOVE that wallpaper! I have the same print on a GIANT cirtain. Do you happen to know who it's by? I've been searching everywhere! Can't wait to see the new space. *winks* Vanna

  16. Have fun ;) Love that inspiration photo...gonna have to check out Pinterest one of thses days. Can you believe I've resisted it this long??? Me either :) Can't wait to see your "after" photos! Chat soon, laurel

  17. I think it's going to look great...I can't wait to see it all done!

  18. Woo hoo!!! It'll be totally fabulous!!! Can't wait to see how it all turns out! I liked your wallpaper too...but I know, sometimes it just feels great to make a change. You have done so much this year!!!

  19. Sounds like you and your stripper are going to have a pretty awesome time, Linda:) I loved that paper, so glad you were able to salvage some for projects. And I just recently heard of Pineterest, but didn't know what it was. Now I'll have to check it out for sure!

  20. I've had a few dates with that stripper myself! I do love that wallpaper but sometimes you just need a change. It's going to be great. Mimi

  21. too funny. i am liking the lighter color too. that will look so nice. wallpaper had it's time and place.

  22. OK, OK, I will have to learn to live without your wallpaper. I do like that inspiration photo. Have fun with your stripper.

  23. oh boy, that's a toss up for me, I love the color of the stripped off wall (or that shade) but I also love the inspriation wall. Have fun choosing!
    'hugs from afar'

  24. Love it! I was one of the gals that loved your wallpaper, but when it's time for a change you know it. :)
    I like your inspiration looks light and lovely.
    "a date with a stripper" eh? You got me tickled with that line! lol
    OH..and I'm glad you liked my cabinet legs...I just LOVE much change for so little change ($$) lol
    Love ya lady!

  25. How fun! You have a gorgeous space to work in and I love the inspiration photo. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  26. This post I can relate to...the roses are gorgeous but I know how there comes a time when enough is enough...I have a few places left like that here, too...I LOVE the inspiration photo! Can't wait to see when it is all finished!

  27. I love the inspiration pic you found. I just found pinterest...and can't believe all the wonderful things - another place to get "lost" in!! Good luck with your makeover - will stop by to see what you do!

    Have a great day!


  28. That look would be perfect in that space!
    I love just the way it looks with the paper gone. Good for you, you aren't afraid of big changes.
    Hugs, Cindy

  29. Love it=)...I have loads of wallpaper to peel off, but yours was much prettier! Can't wait to see your junk at Junk Bonanza!!

  30. Hi Linda!
    This WILL be great.
    I love the PInterest photo. It's going to be gorgeous!

    I was just working on a future post about croquet mallets and was directed indirectlt through google images to your blog! You had taken pics of Cammy's croquet creations featured at Bachmann's idea house!

    Small world moment. Just bought our tickets today for opening night. Just posted today with a chalkboard I bought two years ago from Cammy at the Junk Bonanza.... it seems we are all somehow connected!

    I am hoping they will have another blogger party this year at the JBonanza so we can all meet face to face!

    Can;t wait to see what you and your stripped have been up to!

  31. With YOUR magic
    touch, it's bound
    to be perfection!
    I arrived home to
    MN yesterday and
    once I've caught
    up on laundry, etc.
    I am looking forward
    to tackling some
    projects, too : )
    xx Suzanne
    PS: I DID love
    that wallpaper, though...

  32. Wow! This looks like lots of work, I'm glad it came off pretty easily! I've always heard it was hard so that's great! I love the lightness to your walls now. Can't wait to see what you do next!

  33. I love your old wallpaper but it is good to have a change.... and I DO love your inspirational photo.

    Good luck... looking forward to seeing it finished!!!

  34. This kills me. I had this same wallpaper in my entry. For 10 years. Raymond Waites. I loved it.
    I too stripped mine this past year. Sigh.

    xo Jeanne
    bees knees bungalow.

  35. Great inspiration from Pinterest! I get lost in that site! You are gonna love the change! Best, Vicki


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