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End of the Tour...Bachman's 2012 Fall Ideas House...

The outdoors at the Bachman's Fall Ideas House is always fun and colorful and the 2012 house was no exception!  The planters and flower boxes were perfect for the season...

The garage area was ready for a fun Halloween party!  A tarpaper chalkboard scene decorated this wall...

Love these spooky ghosts...


The outdoor shed was made into a clubhouse with lots of artsy fun for kids...

The hanging loveseat was made of old tires...

The yard had a great firepit area,

 a lovely arbor,

and the walls of the buildings were decorated with lots of plants and fun hanging displays!

I've included a video that Bachman's made of Fall Entry Decor Ideas...the burlap wreath above is included!


Well, that's it from the 2012 Fall house!  Hope you enjoyed the tour!  If you are nearby, the Holiday Ideas House is open November 8 - December 16th!  I can't wait!  And remember, if you want to see more, be sure to click the link at the top of my blog- you can visit all the previous Ideas House tours there!  

I am joining Debra for the Marketplace at Common Ground !  Hope you'll stop by!

Until next time...


  1. They were certainly creative with old tires! Thanks for sharing Linda!

  2. Love the unusual wreathes. The tires seating is so crazy.

  3. Your pictures never disappoint! Even a tutorial on the cool burlap thing! RAH, looks like Monday morning I better find me some burlap! Did you try it yet?

  4. What? Tarpaper for a chalkboard! I have half a roll in our shed. I'm getting it out for the grandkids to write on. Brilliant idea! Thanks for all the inspiration. Mimi

  5. so cool
    I love the orange tires!
    It must be so hard to focus on taking pictures of things. My eyes would be everywhere
    I always enjoy these tours.
    Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  6. Love the outdoor decorating! I really like the pumpkin portrait in the video too.
    Thanks for sharing your photos. I hope I can get to the Holiday Idea House.

  7. What a fun outdoor tour. I love the idea of the tarpaper used a a chalkboard.

  8. thanks Linda for the complete tour - great to see since I don't live nearby! chalk on tar me thinking...

  9. Thanks for sharing! The hanging tires with the flowers in them are neat.

  10. The outdoor decor is so creative and fun! And that clubhouse with the hanging tire loveseat would be every kid's dream hangout!

  11. Another totally wonderful tour Linda. I love how adventurous the ideas are. The swing seat with they orange tyres is amazing!

    Thank you for sharing


  12. HI,dear Linda, thanks for another outdoor tour, filled with fun and beautiful experiences.
    I love the arbor, and the beautiful burlap wreaths flowers-the little ghosts are so cute :-)
    and all the other creative ideas,to smile of,or to like !

  13. Oh I just love the way the flowers, greenery and natural grapevine all look together! This house has so many neat ideas in it. I just looked back at some of the other posts and am so inspired! Thanks so much for the tour. I think I'll go back and look at some of your older idea house pics now.

  14. The tour was awesome..
    I just watched the video and am sitting here drooling over all of the ideas..
    Thank You for the post..
    I loved it..

  15. Thank you so much Linda! I am in love with all the tire ideas, especially that swinging loveseat! How cool is that?! They've done it again! Ann

  16. So much yummy fall goodness here! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. :)

  17. Another wonderful post with so many great ideas, thanks again for doing this! i love the hanging tire swing for three the best, I think. i wonder how hard that would be to make.
    Hugs Cindy

  18. I am not going to show my husband that tire seating because he would love it and then it would be in my living room, but I am going to steal their tire planter idea for next Spring. Thanks for the tour!

  19. Very creative. I really enjoy this blog.

  20. I love the old tires and would love to make some myself. Do you happen to have any directions or refferences so that I could makemy own?

    1. If you visit the site, they have a contact us could try contacting them for info!

  21. Any idea of how they made the sofa seat. I am thinking to do this in the yard.

    1. Hi Faith- you can try Use the contact us button for questions...

  22. I loved the tire bench too; emailed and they told me the tire bench was made for a display, to enhance all the other items surrounding it to motivate sales, hence the sign that says "do not sit". Looks great but I do not think it would be very comfortable, would be nice if someone could make it functionable.

  23. Hello! A friend sent this to me. I designed the three pills on the orange tires...LOVE what you did with this! Always fun to see my the products I design featured in various places. My artist friend Lori Siebert designed the wall art in that same photo. I'll share this with her as well as my blog readers. Blessings, Caroline
    Multiple Blessings by Caroline Simas

  24. amei tudo que vc postá aqui parabéns !!!

  25. I absolutely love the hanging love seats made of tires! I came over from pinterest and you have totally inspired me!! It is so nice to see all of the clever ways to give a new life to things instead of going in the landfills. Every little bit helps and you have done amazing things! Nice work and I will start following your ideas for a continued inspiration.

  26. Loved your blog! I have taken the liberty of posting one of your ideas on Facebook – – an online community to spread eco-awareness. Trust this is fine with you. Pravin

  27. Love the tires, how do you make them? Especially the filler for the hole, and what goes on the bottom? Is there a way to make it water resistant, for possible outside use? Thanks, loving the idea

  28. Thank you, Amy! You can visit their website at They have a "contact us" button and may be able to answer your questions.


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