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Vintage Christmas Fun Finds...

 My most favorite things to collect are vintage Christmas goodies!  I think they are beautiful and remind me of my childhood! This time of year, the thrift stores are full of Christmas decorations!  If you're lucky, you might find some vintage pieces and last week, I found a few!  
While they're not actually Christmas items, these tartan trivets look great for the season...

and look at these wonderful Santa mugs!

Each is a different style~ one has a sparkly aqua rhinestone eye...

and is double-faced!  I haven't seen one like it before...

Another is a hand painted single face mug...

The last mug is a little larger, and the handle is not connected at the bottom.

See the cute Santa ornament on the tree?

I found three of these in a box of old ornaments!  So cute!

I can't wait to see what else I can find!

I am joining Debra for the Marketplace at Common Ground

Until next time...


  1. Ok, this cracks me up!!! I was looking at these Santa mugs today at my fave shop. I picked them up.. and said "No" and walked away. See, you must have been thinking about me today.
    Have a great Veteran's Day!
    xxx Liz

  2. I gave my children my Santa collection tonight. There are 4 of them and they took turns choosing from my 35 year collection until all was gone. It was time-and I feel glad that the picked the things they loved and remembered. I had 2 of those rhinestone eye/double cups. They were from the 50's (possibly really early 60'). I have never seen any like them until I came here tonight- I love all your finds~ xo Diana

  3. Linda, your old santa ornament is beautiful, such a wonderful find, and the mugs are real funny.I never saw such here in Denmark, but that dosen`t mean they have not been sold here!
    Wish you a great week ahead,dear.

  4. those three are quite the trio....quite the jolly bunch! keeping or selling? hard to decide sometimes!

  5. Your mugs definitely remind me of my childhood. Wonder what every happened to my childhood Santa mug . . . Love each and every one of them.

  6. What wonderful finds!! I am not very lucky at finding the Santa mugs! Love the double face!!


  7. Oh, this is my favorite time of year to find old Christmas things, too! Our thrift stores don't have the good stuff you find, though. The Santa mug with the twinkling turquoise eye is the first (and probably last) I'v ever seen. Great finds!

  8. Those Santa mugs brought back memories of the ones we had when my girls were young. I wonder what happened to them.

  9. I love your vintage Christmas finds. My favorite is the Santa ornament. Hugs, Linda

  10. You did find some sweet Santa mugs! I'm finding my "favorite" thrift store to be very picked over! :( Christmas treasures sure go fast. I'm thinking that I should hang on to mine and not sell them anymore!
    Going to Bachmans Idea house this morning with my Mom! Can't wait to see how it's decorated!

  11. You're on a roll, Linda! Those santa ornaments are really neat. And I've never seen a "two faced" santa mug before, how fun!

  12. We used to have Santa mugs kind of like thse when I was little. It was so much fun to get them out of storage and have a cup of hot cocoa in them. I might have to re-start that tradition!


  13. wonderful linda, i just love those santa cups.
    My friend gifted me a vintage one this year for my bday and I was so thrilled.
    Our thrifts don't really put out xmas :(
    It is very hard to find treasures especially vintage ones at this time of year.
    So I live thru all those that have great finds elsewhere.

  14. The double winking Santa is a wonderful find.

  15. Hi Linda. I adore those vintage Santa mugs. My MOm used to have quite a collection of them. We can't for the life of us, remember what happened to them. I am always on the lookout!!!

  16. More great finds Linda... I especially love the santa ornament.

    I've never seen anything like the santa mugs over here.


  17. I love your vintage Santa mugs and ornament. I like that sort of stuff. You're right. It does look like something from years ago. Christmas is all about memories (new and old) so it makes sense to have things around you that give you that. I have a set of 4 Santa mugs that I like to use during the holidays that are shaped like that too. They are fun.

  18. A two-faced Santa - I love it! Wonderful finds Linda and those tartan trivets are the perfect compliment! Ann

  19. My kids would just love those Santa mugs! They would be great for hot chocolate, wouldn't they? Mom parents have bunch of vintage Christmas ornaments. They make me think of my grandparents during the holidays . xo

  20. I do love vintage decorations. I love the boxes they came in too! Cute little Santa mugs. I'm always on the lookout for them. Mimi

  21. These mugs bring back some wonderful memories! My mom had a small collection and I managed to get one of them after she passed away. Unfortunately my dad sold all the vintage ornaments on a garage sale! Ouch!!!

  22. I love looking at the Christmas stuff at my thrift stores too. I found a few vintage things today that made me smile. I love those Santa mugs, especially the one with the twinkle in his eye. Great finds.


  23. Oh wow, My grandmother had those very same mugs. I completely forgot about them. Now I wonder what happened to them. Great tree and finds Linda.

  24. You're speaking my language! Those tartan trivets have lots of possibilities - love those. I shopped some local thrifts today and they barely had any Christmas on the shelves -- I am so READY. :-)

  25. I am in the USA visiting my daughter at the moment, and we have been going through all of the local thrift stores. I have been eyeing that style of mug, I'm not sure if they were very old or not. I almost bought a couple of them. I love yours with the rhinestone eye, very unique!
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. Such cute finds! I adore vintage Christmas goodies! I hope I can find a few vintage goodies at my thrift stores this year!

  27. Those mugs are a hoot; the rhinestone eye cracks me up!
    Great finds all around!


  28. You always seem to have the best of luck in finding adorable vintage items. I have long been an admirer of santa cups but I have to admit I don't have a single one. Your collection is so cute, I can just imagine coco tastes much better in a santa cup. A tiny candy cane stir stick would be a must also i would think. LOL!

  29. What great finds! I love the Santa mugs, especially the one with the aquamarine eye!


  30. Great vintage finds! I have some Santa mugs, but they're not that old. Guess I should hang on to them and "some day" they will be vintage and cool. :-)

  31. My grandmother collects Santas, so this collection is so dear to me. Love vintage Christmas!

  32. Those Christmas mugs are so fun! Now and then I see some at Goodwill but I don't think they're vintage.

  33. Do ou have your tree up alll ready??
    Sweet mugs, my friend.mglad I'm catching up!

  34. What a fun a cute collection. I've never meet a Santa I didn't like. That little ornament one is fabulous. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  35. i so agree with you about vintage christmas...the best! i found 1 santa mug similar to yours (Napco) for .99 at the thrift recently, i was so excited!! love your finds!


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