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A Hutch Re-Do...


If you've been reading my blog for awhile you are familiar with my hutch.  It's been fun changing it up through the years!  The hutch top is a stained and black paint combination  and the base is a black dresser.  You can see it below, decorated for Christmas.

 For our kitchen redecorating project, I wanted a more unified look.
I used some of DecoArt's Chalky Finish in Carbon, 
painted the top, and then used their clear wax.

Now the top is a soft black color, and the hutch will have the simpler look I wanted, in the dining area! (See Bailey sneaking a peek, too?)

I'm looking forward to filling it with some pretty ironstone and transferware!

I am a blogger for DecoArt, but was not compensated for this post...all opinions are my own.

Until next time...I'll be getting back to painting in the kitchen...


  1. Oooh I like it! When I saw this I knew right away this will solve my problem of deciding the fate of my hutch. Thank you so much. It sure looks classy.

  2. I like the new look! You've got lots of space to display your treasures on those shelves!. Good luck with your painting!

  3. I love the look! It is really classy and will look so pretty with the ironstone and transferware.

  4. Looks awesome, Linda! Can't wait to see your new kitchen redecorating! Also love the pie safe and your post on the storage jars. Not to mention the vintage cameras. That son of yours is a keeper! Mimi

  5. It looks great Linda! I just got my paint order in yesterday and I can't wait to use it. The wax looks really it easy to work with? Hope you have a wonderful day, Gail

  6. What a charming look, love it and that color is just awesome!

  7. Looks great! Can't wait to see it all filled up :)

  8. You know I have a big pine hutch too. It's not in the dining room anymore, and I forgot I could still give it an up-do.

  9. Love it. Can't wait to see it filled with your treasures.

  10. It's a beautiful piece, Linda! I'm looking forward to seeing it all dressed up. Love the black, too!

  11. Oh Linda, it so pretty! I can't wait to see how the ironstone is just going to pop out of it. It's going to be fabulous!

  12. It looks gorgeous!! You have been busy! Is the paint available in stores or do I need to order on-line. I would like to try it. Thx.

  13. Very pretty in a monochromatic sort of way! You are on a roll with working on projects. Come down here and help me get motivated!

  14. It turned out great, Linda! Don't you just love DecoArt's chalky finish paint? It goes on so smoothly, and no odor. The black will really make your whites pop!!

  15. Great new look Linda. Can't wait to see it 'dressed' .....

  16. I love the way it turned out! I will have to try that paint. What a nice finish. Can't wait to see it all put back together. HUGS!

  17. Looking really good...I think the whole hutch ensemble will look even prettier with it being all black.

  18. I like it - your collections will shine! :)


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