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A Simple Little Re-Do...

With all of the painting and redecorating projects I've been working on lately,  I really enjoy a quick and simple little re-do! 

I have a small wood stool that I use for stacking and displaying things.  It is made of very weathered plywood.  It sat out on the front porch all winter, in the snow and ice, and isn't much to look at.  So I decided to give it a quick makeover...

I used  DecoArt's Americana Decor Chalky Finish Paint in the Relic's a dark gray that looks like the color of slate.

After painting I decided to add a stenciled number to each side, just for fun...

I simply traced with a pencil inside the stencil...

and used some DecoArt Acrylic Paint in the Cool Neutral shade...

and roughly painted in the numbers.

After a little distressing with a sanding block, it has a nice vintage look.

 I finished it up with some of the Americana Decor clear Creme Wax
to protect and deepen the finish.  I love how it looks now, 
stacked with my little white bench in the dining room...

I don't think I'll be sticking it out in the snow anymore...

{I was provided with product from DecoArt~ all opinions and fun are my own}

I am joining~

What's It Wednesday 
Be Inspired 

Until next time...


  1. I <3 your number table! I'm a bench collector too! Pinned

  2. Good job - love benches....I dabble in stenciling too -

  3. Hi LInda,
    I love your numbered benches. I have some stacking benches and Hmmmmm now you have given me an idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I love stools and benches. That paint gave it the perfect weathered look and the numbers just the right finishing touch. Great job and I need some of that paint. Hugs, Dianne

  5. Hi Linda, what a cute make-over! I LOVE little benches like that. When I see them I snatch them up!! Enjoy your evening, Gail

  6. Very cute, Linda! I think your makeover of that little stool was perfect!

  7. Love the cute little stacked stools! They look amazing! The numbers are the perfect idea.

  8. I love a quick and easy project and this one is so cute. Love the color and the addition of the numbers.

  9. What a cute makeover, Linda! The simple ones are the best kind, don't you think?! I love that "relic" color!

  10. What a cute little makeover, Linda! Anything weathered with numbers is always perfect!

  11. Sweet! I love little
    benches and all the
    possibilities that they
    present : ) I'm sure the
    Art Deco people must
    be pleased with your

    xo Suzanne

  12. Your stool looks great now. Love the stencils!

  13. Linda- That little stool is just darling! I love it- it is the perfect companion for your other little stool! xo Diana

  14. LOVE . . . LOVE . . . LOVE your bench.

    Thanks for the sweet words on my ABC's post.

  15. Such a fun project Linda. I love the colour and the sweet numbers.

    Indoors only now for sure!!!!

    Karen x

  16. I really like this, Linda! Is the Deco Art paint much less expensive than the other chalk paints out there? I really like how loosely you painted the numbers and it didn't matter because after you sanded them they look fabulous!

  17. Yes, I like the small projects. I have several big ones, but the weather will not permit me to do so right now. I love the stacked stools and the great vignette.

  18. I have a little stool the grand kids use to reach the bathroom faucet. It's screaming for a make over. Yours turned out great in no time flat, I could maybe accomplish that if I wasn't reading blogs today!

  19. I so love your make it very doable!

  20. I love little footstools like that. Your makeover is really charming.

  21. Little makeovers can sometimes be the best! Love your little stool.

  22. Sweet little stool. The makeover is perfect.

  23. That is so cool, what a great makeover! I've got an old table that could use the same treatment. Heck, I've got a barn and house full of furniture and pieces that could use the same treatment. LOL


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