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Going Green...Fun Finds...

Last week my husband and I took a day to do a little thrifting!  It's been such a busy summer that it's been quite awhile!  But we had some fun finds!  Look at these beautiful old green-painted wicker is a rocker.

The cushions are soft vintage vinyl...I'll probably get some slipcovers for another look, too.  These are going to our small sunporch at the lake...

I found a couple of lovely little plates for my hutch...this beautiful old green 
English transferware plate...

and this charming vintage souvenir plate from Green Mountain in Vermont.

Before I go, I want to thank you for all of your good wishes about the Vintage Style article I shared in my last post!  It was such a fun experience!  Also, be sure to check out the wonderful feature right before mine...sharing the fabulous home of 
Susan of Must Love Junk!

I am joining~

Until next time...


  1. Those chairs are wonderful! Love the deer plate too.

  2. Hi LInda,
    Love love love the chairs. How sweet of a find. So pretty. Those chairs are in great shape.
    Have a great start to the new week.

  3. Wow those chairs were an amazing find! Love the tranferware plate!

  4. Dare I say it? I am absolutely GREEN with envy...truly!

  5. Terrific finds, Linda!! The wicker pieces are fabulous, and I love the beautiful green transferware plates.
    Mary Alice

  6. Love the chairs! Quite a great find. And of course the transferware.

  7. Those wicker chairs are a great find! I wish my husband liked to do that sort of thing with me!
    Great finds!!!
    xo Kris

  8. wonderful wicker chairs - great addition to your place...and also just read about your article in Vintage Style magazine - congrats! I've been away for a month and feel so out of the loop...hoping you've been having a good summer!

  9. I love your chairs, they'll be perfect on your sunporch.

  10. I'm in love with that deer plate! I just pinned a bunch of vintage camp/lodge stuff this morning, so I had to pin him too.

  11. Perfect for a sun porch at a lake...and everything you found looks like it belongs together. :)

  12. Vintage wicker steals my heart. I would have scooped these up too, though where I'd use them would be the question. They will be perfect for your lake house! Love the green transfer ware plate too. You hit the jackpot!

  13. Love the wicker chairs! Those are beautiful.

  14. Oh always find such cool stuff....and the greens this time ~ adoration plus!

  15. Linda I love your wicker chairs. They look very comfy too.

    xo Danielle

  16. You found some great goodies! I love those green wicker chairs. I've never seen green transferware plates before. How pretty!

  17. As always, I'm green with envy! That wicker is an awesome condition!

  18. These green wicker chairs ARE AWESOME! I love that they're rockers. Really, I do. The transferware is pretty sweet too.
    you're the best...

  19. Wow! You found some great stuff, I especially love those chairs, the vinyl looks fabulous for being old.

  20. Just came across your blog. Love all things vintage, so I'll definitely be back!

  21. I can't believe it! I just saw a movie with green wicker chairs that I couldn't take my eyes off! I have a wicker rocking chair that is begging to be painted and now you have convinced me! Ann

  22. Love your new chairs and those pretty plates!! Have a great week! xo Holly

  23. I love the chairs and the plates. Green is my favorite color and these are great!

  24. Oh, you found some wonderful treasures for your home by the lake! Lucky girl! These are so perfect. Love that green transferware plate. I bought the magazine and I love it - great job on the article and now I will go back and look at Susan's house once more. So many pretty ideas! xo Karen

  25. Lots of loveliness.... love the rocker!

    Karen x


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