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Lilac Time...

I always love lilac time in the spring!  I have seen some beautiful flowers in gardens on blogs, but we don't have much blooming in ours yet...except lilacs. I have a few different varieties, including one that will bloom in June. 

 The old fashioned lilacs are nearly done, but before they fade, I picked a few to bring indoors.  No fancy vase...just a worn old paint can will do.  I put a mason jar of water
 inside to hold the branches... 

I love the patina on the can...

After a long winter...I do love lilacs!

I am joining~

Until next time...


  1. Mmmm.......I can just imagine the smell of those wonderful lilacs! We've never been able to grow them in our yard (too shady), but a friendly neighbor usually lets me pick a bouquet to enjoy.

  2. yes indeed - lilacs are a spring favorite! ours are done blooming...and now the irises are starting...the paint can you used is to find an old rusty one myself...thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Oh, I'll bet your gardens smell so wonderful! Love your rustic arrangement with the view outside the window. So pretty! xo Karen

  4. Love the smell of lilac's! Where has our spring gone?!? My lily of the valley are up and smell heavenly.

  5. Linda - love your beautiful lilacs? Did you get my email about wanting to buy the bingo cards?


  6. I love Lilacs and our are real close to blooming...I like clipping so many to bring inside because it looks so pretty and smell so good. When lilacs bloom it means Spring is really here!

  7. My lilacs passed in a flash this year, so lovely to see yours today. Heritage Lilacs are wonderful.

  8. Oh Linda, gorgeous! It doesn't take a whole garden to see beauty, just one flower. Those lilacs are just beauty full. Lilacs remind me of my mother, who grew up in Rochester, NY, where an annual lilac festival is held. Such a heady fragrance they have!

  9. Hi Linda,
    Your lilacs are beautiful! Our lilacs are finally blooming and my entire front yard smells heavenly! I love the old paint can you placed your blooms in! Don't you just love spring?

  10. Sweet Linda. Love the lilacs in the old paint can.

  11. They are so beautiful..... love them in the tin

    I must (and will) get better about cutting flowers from the garden for the house. I sometimes cut a little posy in the summer but never thought about cutting stems from our lilac. Next year:)

    Karen x

  12. They are gorgeous, Linda! I planted a lilac bush here a couple of weeks ago and can not wait until I can enjoy some of those blooms in my own home. I probably won't see anything until next year, but I can wait (although not patiently) as long as I know I will have my own!

  13. These are gorgeous and the paint can is such a wonderful contrast. Pinning away here! I'm glad you're sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  14. Linda, these are so lovely and I adore the sweet scent! Love them in the rustic can!

  15. They are so beautiful and you've put together such a nice arrangement. I'm off to look in your shop! Hugs, Diane

  16. How beautiful!
    I wonder if lilacs will grow in South Texas-
    it gets so hot here.

    Have a wonderful week,


  17. Oh I do love a Lilac Linda, and your photos are beautiful...I might have to ask neighbour if I can pick some of theirs and put in similar bucket to yours for daughter...gorgeous blooms...I'm looking for plants to grow in my daughter's small garden and I had completely forgotten about Lilacs...Have a great week! Sharon

  18. I love lilacs too and your are gorgeous! The can is great too!

  19. Love your lilacs, Linda--especially in the paint can. I've posted this on facebook :)

  20. Linda, I love the way you have displayed your lilacs. I think spring when I smell them. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  21. I am jealous of your lilacs!!! so glad I can enjoy them vicariously through you! Saw you at the Knick of Time link up! Kim @ hunt and host

  22. Love your lilacs! So beautiful! I always love picking them from my grandmother's back yard too!

  23. One of our favorite parts about this time of year!! Our lilac outside of the shop just finished blooming for the year...but OH the smell!!!! Beautiful photos!! :)
    Enjoy the weekend!
    Karla & Karrie

  24. I love that can that you used for a vase. My lilac bush is just about down blooming now but oh how I enjoy it when it does ! : )

  25. I love that can that you used for a vase. My lilac bush is just about down blooming now but oh how I enjoy it when it does ! : )

  26. Those are gorgeous! I love the contrast with the can.


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