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A Fun Collectible...Decorative Shell Boxes...

This week I found two decorative shell boxes at the thrift store!  
I have a small collection of these, 
so new additions are always a fun find for me! 
I love the decoration on this heart-shaped box...

I found this box with decorative feet, too.  
I had to replace several missing shells...

I never pass up a box because of damage...a little E-6000 glue and some spare seashells (I always pick them up at the thrift store or garage sales when I see them) and the boxes are good as new!

My collection was inspired by a box 
that belonged to my husband's grandmother...

There are many shapes and sizes and they 
can be found very inexpensively.

I love the different patterns...

Have decorative shell boxes found their way into your home?

I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful comments and 
entries on the back-to-school giveaway post!

Until next time...


  1. How beautiful! Loving these cute boxes so much ♥

  2. I can honestly say I've never seen one of those before, but now I want one :) Love the chalkboard header!!!

  3. The boxes are so charming, Linda. I remember these - there's something very sweet about shell boxes.

  4. You have a great collection Linda. These remind me of my childhood, I remember seeing them at the boardwalk whenever we visited Galveston.

  5. What a great idea for a collection. Do you keep them out year round? You have quite a variety.

    1. I do keep them out year round...I have a naturalist cabinet with assorted goodies. I'll have to share it!

  6. I love your collection! I have always loved to glue seashells to things. Now I've gotta get me some of that glue!

  7. What a beautiful collection, and I love the box that inspired your collection.

  8. I collected shell covered things once upon a time. I've gotten rid of most of mine. But I did keep a shell covered flamingo. I had animals and boxes.

  9. Pretty shell boxes! I don't think I've ever come across one of those in my thrifting adventures...or maybe I have, and I've overlooked it because I don't collect shells. (And no, I don't need a new collection, lol.) Congrats to your giveaway winner!

  10. They are all so pretty. They remind me of visits to my nan and grandad's caravan by the sea at Selsey when I was small. Just the sort of thing I'd see in the many gift shops there. Sweet memories.

    Karen x

  11. What a nice collection you have! So smart to fix them up. I especially like the ones with the wood showing through. Beautiful!

  12. Love these cute boxes. It reminds me of when I was younger and we would take a trip to Florida each summer and I would collect shells at the beach and put them in boxes like yours. So pretty.
    Have a great week end.

  13. What a fun collection!! I see them from time to time in the thrift shop and now I just might have to buy them. Oh no, another collection!?!?!?

  14. These are wonderful, Linda, and I love how your collection got started, too! My Grandpa was a commercial fisherman on Cape Cod. I will have to keep my eyes open for these :) xo Karen

  15. You just brought back a childhood memory of a seashell box I had for years....I wonder what happened to it? Perhaps it's in your collection by now - ha ha!!

  16. You have so many beautiful finds! Do you keep everything?

    1. Thank you! I used to buy a lot for I buy for myself, or with a project in mind!

  17. Those are beautiful I do spot one time to time I have picked them up and gifted them with a trinket of some kind inside thats a lovely collection you have thanks for sharing~

  18. My beach bathroom remodel has been on my mind so seeing these shells just made my day.

  19. So funny. I colleged the shell boxes to. They are so sweet and pretty.
    Hugs from Lina

  20. Lovely with shells, I remember my grandma had a shell box like this...
    Have a sunny day!

  21. Those are so sweet! They would be perfect for the house up at the Cape!

    Happy day to you friend!

  22. Those are such beautiful and interesting boxes. I think they would look great in a collection grouped together on a table top.

  23. So sweet to see your shell boxes....I was thinking of ones I used to have years ago only the other day! They used to fascinate me with all those shapes and patterns. You have a lovely collection.... love the one with the ship!
    Helen xox

  24. Linda, I love your collection of seashell boxes. I think they are adorable. The wee Florida one makes me smile. I can remember my first trip to Florida and seeing things with shells or pictures of oranges. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  25. Linda, what a cute collection of seashell boxes!

    xo Dianne

  26. Yes we all like those shell boxes that have been around for years.
    Also that E6000 glue is the best clear hard sticking glue I have ever use, love it

  27. What a pretty collection! I love the one that belonged to your husband's grandmother.


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