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Welcome to Spring and a Winner

It's fun to welcome visitors to our home with a cheery entryway!

Greenery and chicks sure feel like springtime!

 Old seed catalog covers were found on Pinterest 
and printed to use on an old crate.
Just type in "vintage seed" in the search area of Pinterest and 
there are many printables and copyright free images you can use.
This one is attached with double face tape, so it can be changed  out.

This old botanical pressed plant was a thrift store find years ago, 
and was actually done in 1900 in my husband's hometown in Iowa.

Don't you love the plaids on vintage umbrellas?

 Two more are added to this big old market/gathering basket 
found at the thrift store last

Another seed catalog cover was printed and simply taped onto a canvas. 
You can buy canvases in a value pack with a coupon 
at the craft store very inexpensively...quick, simple art. 
And this empty honey jar is so pretty, it became part of the display, too! 

The vintage chick was found at the thrift store last summer...
I could hardly wait to use him this spring!

Pussy willows are always wonderful this time of year 
 and a fresh bundle was added to last year's batch.

Welcome to spring at our home!

Before I go...
Thank you for all of your entries and kind comments on the last post!  
The winner of the spring ephemera pack is~
Until next time...
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  1. Linda, I love all the little yellow chicks you have about the house. I love the old umbrellas too. I have some fake forsythia , I need to get it out. I love the way you decorate. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo, Susie

  2. Your home is so full of pretty spring cheer!

  3. Linda love all your spring vignettes. I too love an old vintage umbrella. Have a great weekend.

  4. Lovely! That is one cute little chick too. I'm wanting some spring decor too, but not ready for bunnies and eggs yet with Easter so late this year.

  5. Love your touches of Spring!! Congratulations to the winner!


  6. Thanks to Brenda for directing us to this lovely blog.

  7. I always look forward to your seasonal decor!

  8. Very pretty. So funny - we both "googled" for the same types of images. I just posted to my blog on how I added some vintage seed packet prints to my spring decor. How wonderful that you own the pressed botanical, and the fact that it was done in your husband's home town.

    1. Thank you, Linda! It's wonderful how much is available for crafting online now!

  9. I love your spring accents Linda. I've just pulled out some of my springy things to share soon. I have collected a few vintage chicks from thrift stores too ;)

  10. Linda - Love your vignettes! Especially love the swag with the bird's nest. Precious. Congratulations to your winner.


  11. I love your vintage seed catalog cover idea! I buy a new bunch of pussy willow every year and add to it also. I keep waiting for the heads (or is it paws?) to pop off, but so far they're lasting year to year.

  12. Love your spring decor. It inspired me to get started too. The pressed botanical is very special to you I'm sure.

  13. What a fresh and lovely spring entrance! And pussy willows are my favorites! I also love those vintage seed printables. xo Kathleen Our Hopeful Home

  14. So beautiful decorations of spring.. Love the way it looks..

    Please visit:

  15. I love all of your Spring decor. I'm in Oklahoma and it decided to get cold on us again. Boo. I'm ready for sunshine.

    1. Thank you, Valerie! Cold here again, too...and snowing...but I'm still dreaming of spring!

  16. My poor entryway is still stuck in winter, but you've inspired me to get moving and make it pretty for spring! Pinning!

  17. Oh Linda! This is fabulous! You style things so lovely and now I'm inspired to find some pussy willows to decorate with! (they look lovely in that container...I have the same one ;-) Also, thank you for sharing about the vintage seed image find. I haven't even thought of that! Hope the snow melts for you and spring continues to show in your neck of the woods! xx

  18. Adorable! such a cheery vignette. I just love pussy willows! All the black is so unexpected and gives everything a nice punch. Love your new umbrellas!

  19. Hi Linda :)

    I'm in love with that little chick! He's really cute. All your Spring decor looks lovely and the black mixed in looks wonderful with everything.


  20. I love all your spring touches, Linda, just gorgeous!! Inside my home is lovely and cheery today while outside a severe blizzard is dumping at least 3 feet of snow on us!! Bring on spring!

  21. Your spring decor is perfect! I love how you use your vintage thrifting finds along with creative handmade artwork. I would've never thought to simply tape a botanical print onto a blank canvas. What a great idea!

  22. Hello Linda!! I stopped by to check in with you, see what's up. Thank you so much for visiting me today and leaving such a nice comment. I guess i forget that not many people have actually seen me. I remember loving the wedding pictures you shared here and seeing your family. You're right, it is nice to see the person behind the blog. Your touches of yellow, the little birds, the live buds...they all create such a lovely Spring atmosphere..I am so ready for the Spring season, the mornings near the ocean have been heavy with mist and wetness this week. Although it's beautiful, I'm ready for warm sunshine!

  23. What a wonderful post (as ever!)

    I always feel so inspired after visiting.... I love the pussy willow... and those gorgeous little chicks.... so sweet

    Congrats to Cyndi :)

    Karen x

  24. Lovely post! Beautiful pictures and so much inspiration you share with us...
    Have a happy weekend, take care!

  25. Your darling vintage umbrellas bring back memories of the ones I used as a child. Your display with little chicks and the honey jar is a sweet spring welcome as are the pussy willows. I've got to get out for a walk today and see if I can find some myself. Enjoy your warm weather today!


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