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Fall Front Porch Decor

Every year I have fun decorating our front porch, but this year I did something a little different. I decided to use what I had and scout my yard.  
I didn't even buy any plants.

I am joining a group of creative bloggers for the Fall Porches and Patios Tour!  Thank you to Amber of Follow The Yellow Brick Home for putting it all together for us! She puts in so much time coordinating it all and does a wonderful job! 

If you have stopped over from Jann of  Have a Daily Cup Of Mrs Olson , welcome!  I know you were inspired by her lovely fall decor!

This year, I decided to do one simple porch design that would go through Halloween.  The big porch fern is still doing so well, why not use it?  
Once frost hits, it turns a deep purple color that is wonderfully creepy for Halloween. So I decided to add some folk art wood crows 
that I use each year, and make it all about them.

I grabbed some branches downed in storms last week, and put them in a pot of dirt.  I left the crumbled leaves and wired on some decorative leaves.  
You can find leaves at the craft or dollar store, or maybe even
 take them off a wreath or garland that has seen better days.

Our old black door always makes a good backdrop. I took a wood round and painted it as a harvest moon, and added a creepy old "No Trespassing" sign. 
Our old rakes were brought out, too.

A wall basket with branches, holds more wired leaves.

Fallen leaves are always a great natural decoration.

A metal fence section edges the porch...and soon the hostas will turn yellow!

It was fun to use what I already had to create new porch decor! 

Be sure to stop by and visit the other bloggers' posts!  
Next on the tour is Rita over at Panoply!  I know you will love her fall decor!

     Follow The Yellow Brick Home     Our Southern Home                   A Stroll Thru Life                  Poofing The Pillows

                  Art and Sand             Have A Daily Cup Of Mrs Olson         Itsy Bits And Pieces                         Panoply

              Decor To Adore                           Botanic Bleu                             Petite Haus                 Celebrate And Decorate

         Belle Bleu Interiors                     Virginia Sweet Pea                 White Arrows Home                 Thistle Key Lane

             The Painted Hinge                      The Crowned Goat                 Lora Bloomquist                      Beauty For Ashes

                County Road 407                                                              My Thrift Store Addiction

An InLinkz Link-up

Until next time...


  1. I like how you always find a way to blend your great vintage pieces into your decor, Linda. I'm thinking along similar lines as you also in keeping my fern that's still thriving, along with adding a few crows. :) Happy Fall!

  2. Linda, I love the use of old branches from our own trees. In spring I paint them and put them pots for more character. If the cold wipes our potato vine out this weekend, I may re-do that pot like you did your. Love the crow cut outs and the rakes. You are inspiring. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie! I love your ideas for using branches...I'm going to do it more often, too!

  3. Hi Linda! I always enjoy seeing your porch decorating!

  4. What a fun way to use those branches Linda! I love the way you've used so many pretty Fall leaves and all the special touches you've added too especially the No Trespassing crow sign, it's super cute. Happy Fall, CoCo

    1. Thank you! I was using the No Trespassing sign as a magnet board before lol!

  5. Ready for fall and Halloween I see. Love the rakes and black bird. So cute!

  6. So adorable! That old screen is the perfect prop! Happy fall!!

  7. Linda, it's really fun! I love the fallen leaves and the crows. I have used old rakes on my porch before and love them too. Happy Fall!!

    1. Thank you, Jann! I always think of all the leaves raked with those rakes!

  8. The rakes are such a great decor for fall and all those leaves, what a creative idea.

    1. Thank you, Marty! The leaves are always a great free decoration!

  9. I have entered a decorating phase where I want more decor nature provides. I think I may do the same at Christmas as I did for fall, where I just bought mini pumpkins and gourds and scattered them about my hutch. With a cat, nothing is safe anyway!

    1. With so much of my decor being moved and in storage...I'm enjoying finding the simple, natural free stuff!

  10. Linda this tour is truly something to crow about! I love your porch. It is so clever and creative. Makes me want to look at my own with fresh eyes. Thank you for the inspiration.

  11. I love that you created beautiful porch decor without buying a thing. Crows are perfect for fall and Halloween decor and seeing yours makes me want to dig a few out that I know are hiding in my Halloween bin in the basement.

    1. Thank you, Paula! i can just visualize the crows in the basement...

  12. Linda,
    The garden rakes in fun colors are a nice addition to your Fall decor. Certainly symbolic of the season, and I am all for using seasonal touches in decorating. I would love to see your when it turns a deep purple color later. The crows are a nice, non-creepy Halloween touch.

    Happy Fall,

    1. Thank you, Judith! It's hard to just discard plants that are still going so well...I'll get October use from that fern anyway. Then it will be time for evergreens here!

  13. Linda, I always enjoy your touch of whimsy--such fun porch decor! Happy to be touring with you. Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  14. I think your porch is so fun and perfect for fall! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I love the mix of Fall and Halloween on your fall porch. The rakes are the perfect touch - definitely need those this time of year! Happy to be on this tour with you!

  16. It's all awesome! The use of the branches has already inspired me! Love your ferns for fall! I used a fern in the autumn garden treasures basket on the sewing machine and I had a paragraph about using ferns through November but I deleted it somehow. Yours looks beautiful in that urn with the crow. That black screen door is just the kind I am looking for for the back porch. I want to put in between the chairs in front of the window. I hung the welcome wreath on the window because it just looked too plain. I will be looking for a door like yours on my junkin' adventures!
    Your Jack-o-lantern has the coolest coloring! Your porch has a perfect October vibe.Love it!

    Thanks so much for joining the tours. Happy fall!

    1. Thank you so much, Amber! I fell in love with your beautiful porch decor! Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful tour!

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you, Angie! Crows always seem perfect this time of year!

  18. How clever is all this decorating! Using what you have and being creative with it beats going to the store and buying more stuff - that you eventually have to store - as if we don't already have enough! Using the door and rakes looks fantastic and I love the no trespassing sign!

    1. Thank you, Melanie! I couldn't agree more! It was fun using what I had in a new way!

  19. Your autumn decor is beautiful! I think some of the best decorating ideas come from when we shop our own homes. In fact, that is when I have the most fun! I love the way you used the fall branches. They are so pretty! It has been so much fun being on the tour with you! Happy Fall!!!

  20. what a great idea. you have so many fun things... the old door is amazing. love the crows and rakes and moon. of course all the great naturals like the leaves. super cute!

    1. Thank you, Debra...such a fun time of year for decorating! (aren't they all?)

  21. Amazing that you did all this with things you had on hand. I love your decorations, Linda.

    1. Thank you, Amalia! It was fun seeing what I could decorate with!

  22. Linda, I love the way to added fall to your porch with what you already had with some natural elements added in. I'm always looking for budget friendly ideas to decorate. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and it was so fun to join you on this tour!

    1. Thank you, Heather! Budget friendly is always good! I enjoyed the tour, too!

  23. Us "old" dealers always have plenty of goodies to decorate with, don't we? Love your wooden crows; so fun to tuck here and there!

    1. Yes we do, Lora! Usually we have way too many lol! I have a lot of fun with those crows...

  24. I am so impressed that you didn't even buy a plant for your really fun porch. It's so easy to see something on Instagram, a blog or the stores and not want to have all new stuff. But it takes a truly talented person to put something together from bits and pieces.

  25. I am so impressed that you didn't even buy a plant for your really fun porch. It's so easy to see something on Instagram, a blog or the stores and not want to have all new stuff. But it takes a truly talented person to put something together from bits and pieces.

    1. How nice, Carol! Thank you! With moving, new stuff is just be more stuff to move, so I am buying very little right now!

  26. I love how you pulled this together from what you already had! It's so inspiring! You are so talented! Fun to tour with you!! ~ Kristin

  27. Those leaves that have fallen on your porch are perfect! I really like the leaves you added to the fallen branches! The addition of the rake certainly says fall has arrived!

    1. Thanks so much! The natural environment makes great decorations!


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