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Fun Fall Thrift Store Finds And A Question For You

It's been a busy and eventful week around our home!  All the Halloween activities...and the birth of a new granddaughter!  We are so blessed!

Fall Thrift Store Finds

I don't know about you, but after Halloween, I can't wait to take down all of the spooky decor and clean things up! Here we are at the very end of fall, with mostly bare trees.  It is starting to look like winter here, and our weather is cold 
with some occasional snow. So I am ready to transition to a different look!

 I have a few fun finds to share with you this week...perfect for this time of year!
I found three Johnson Brothers Friendly Village dinner plates! 
We use these dishes for Christmas, and sometimes Thanksgiving...and I can always use plates!  These are the older dishes, made in England, 
and in excellent condition.  At $2.25 each, I was very pleased.

Fall Thrift Store Finds

I've always loved the nostalgic look...

Fall Thrift Store Finds

I also found a beautiful old hand made chip carved wood tray!

Fall Thrift Store Finds

From the research I have done, it appears to be late 1800's Swedish or Dutch.  
Do any of my readers have any thoughts on this? Please share in the comments! 

I love the different motifs...

Fall Thrift Store Finds

Finally I found a beautiful hand painted tole tray!  The color is a very dark 
maroon red...almost brown...unusual and so pretty this time of year!

Fall Thrift Store Finds

Fall Thrift Store Finds

Fall Thrift Store Finds

For any of you interested, this lovely tray is available in my Etsy Shop!

Until next time...


  1. Those are all amazing finds, Linda!!! I bought some of those plates this past spring in my local thrift shop - they were the bread plates, I got 4 for $2 but didn't realize until I got them home that two of them were chipped. Oh well, I just liked them and will use them regardless! I'd love to find more, what a beautiful scene! Like you, I'm kind of ready to ditch the fall decor and get ready for all the twinkling trees. I'm going to start slowly bringing out all my trees and just save the big one for after Thanksgiving - it will make it easier to start decorating slowly rather than doing it all in one day as I usually do - that wears me out!

    1. That's just what I am doing, Debbie! I am loving the fresh and clean look of greenery around the's definitely easier to add slowly, and more Christmas later!

  2. Me too. I'm fighting off the urge to throw up some greenery and start the holiday decorating, but then I think I'd just have to dust it before Christmas! Love those dinner plates!

    1. I'm going to stay simple this year...loving a green and white look...

  3. Those plates are gorgeous,so lucky they match your set! Wish I knew something about that tray. Isn't it fun to bring home unique finds and then try and figure out their history? I could not believe all the Christmas trees I saw on IG today. While I love them, I'm just not ready. We still have beautiful bright leaves here! All in good time, though:) xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  4. Love that wood chip-carved tray. :) Simply fabulous!!

  5. Love that chip-carved wood tray. Simply fabulous!!!

  6. Congratulations on your granddaughter :) How lovely for you.

    As normal I love all your 'finds' but especially those plates.... so Christmassy.

    We are still enjoying really mild temperatures.... the postman is still wearing shorts and and short sleeves! Not that we normally get it cold like you - but I'd love some snow this year!


    1. Thank you, Karen! Our new little granddaughter is such a joy!
      Light snow here today...our shorts days are behind us!

  7. Congratulations on your new granddaughter! Fall is still in full swing here and thankfully we've had mild weather with rain instead of heat and drought. Trees are showing color as our nights are nice and cool. Can't imagine cold much less snow this time of year! 😊 I have to put away Halloween stuff too but leave out the Fall stuff until after Thanksgiving dinner. Then it's all Christmas!
    Great finds - I love the Friendly Village pattern. The trays are nice.

    1. Thank you, Cecilia! Sounds so nice there! Friday it will get down to 11 degrees here!

  8. I have no idea what the tray really is, but I'm calling Swedish. Love all your finds :)


  9. Linda, Congratulations on the new baby. You have to be in love. I love the plates. It would be nice to have a whole set. :) I some times like odd plates, so you can give a plate of cookies to someone and not worry about the plate being returned. Blessings to all,stay warm. xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie! We are definitely in love!
      I love the idea of using odd plates for giving fun! I will have to use that idea!

  10. Congratulations on your new granddaughter! What a wonderful blessing.
    You always find the best stuff...those plates are trays are gorgeous.
    I'm not ready to dispose of the fall decor yet. Not until after Thanksgiving! And then I'll slowly transition to Christmas - and very minimal at that. I do less every year.

    1. Thank you, Melanie! She is a little sweetheart!
      I am doing things minimally this year, too! So much is packed away...

  11. You find the best things! I want to find more vintage pieces for our house. They add so much more character.

    1. Thank you, Stacey! I am working to bring more into the lakehouse, too!

  12. Love the plates Linda. They are perfect for both holidays. Congrats on your new grand baby.

  13. Loved your finds. Congrats on the new granddaughter! Mine is 13 now and suffers to be hugged! Envy you!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! They grow up so fast...I'll enjoy every moment I can!

  14. Great finds. I am a Goodwiller and Thrifter myself and I love finding those great items and an awesome buy. THanks for sharing.

  15. A new Grandbaby for the Holidays, the perfect blessing! I love your wonderful Johnson Bros. plates, I'm missing not being able to go vintage shopping. I think I have a paint brush permanently attached to my hand. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Oh yes, Debra! She is such a blessing!
      That house painting seems to go on forever, doesn't it? It's fun watching your new home come together!

  16. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Such happy times! And, as always, I love your finds. The plates are especially beautiful.

  17. Oh, congratulations, Linda! Babies are such sweet blessings! Love your beautiful finds - I love the plates and have a little collection, too. The trays are wonderful. So much love and work in each one. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! x K


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