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A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do

Today I am joining my fellow Thrifty Chicks for our monthly re-use/makeover challenge! This month we are using Baskets or woven types of items!  I love doing these challenges! I chose a basket I found at the thrift store for a dollar!

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

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I love the shape of the basket...not so much it's golden color...although that might be nice for a fall basket.  Anyway, for my decor it needs to be painted.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A simple gray wash is all I wanted...
with some of the original color showing through.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

Then I used a Farmer's Market Stencil on the front of the basket.
I only used part of the stencil and did it very lightly, 
so as to appear to have been faded over the years.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

Next I added some Green Foam Floral Blocks  that I got at Dollar Tree. 
Now it can be used in many ways...seasonal decor or floral arrangements.  
But I am doing something a little different.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

It will be holding my wooden utensil collection!  
The spoon handles can be pushed down and held in the foam, wherever I want them.  I have plenty of space left to fill with future finds.
I hung it on my peg rack and tied the rack on for added support.  
It rests on the bottom pegs and is very sturdy. 

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

I covered the foam blocks with vintage wooden clothespins 
which are lightweight decorative fillers.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

It goes very well with the rest of my kitchen collectibles and decor.

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

I love how it turned out!

A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

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A Quick And Simple Farmhouse Basket Re-Do From Itsy Bits And Pieces Blog

Be sure to visit all of the other Thrifty Chicks' fun posts!

Thrifty Chicks Basket Challenge

1. Lora B Create And Ponder~ DIY Vintage-Inspired Fiber Placemats

2. Our Hopeful Home~ How I Saved A Farmhouse Hanging Basket

3. Little Vintage Cottage~ Upcycled Boho Basket

4. Color Me Thrifty~  Repurposed Wicker Plates Into Art

5. That's Me

Until next time...


  1. Linda, Once again you have created something so cute for pennies. You are an amazing young lady. I love how that looks with the other things in your kitchen. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Both clever and cute. I love it, Linda. xo Laura

  3. How cute! I love how it turned out!


  4. Love this Linda. Using a simple wash changes the look of baskets and I have done it. I may use it on a couple of mine this spring.

    I have that stencil, very versatile.


  5. I love how you incorporated your little corner with all that precious vintage. The basket is perfect and I'm sure you will change it with the seasons---sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

  6. Well that is just so innovative! I also love the cutting boards in the basket below. You sure are good at reinventing things.

  7. What a great makeover! Love your vintage farmhouse accents!

  8. Well its looks good how you hung it on the wall. I always love painted baskets however I like this one natural, however it fits right in with your other kitchen decor, very charming indeed

  9. What a fun display, Linda! You basket refresh is perfect; love it with the stencil on the front. Loved seeing your kitchen, too. Such fun vintage collections!

  10. I love what you did to this basket, Linda! I'm all for a little paint and some stencils any time:)Your idea is very ingenious, and it really turned out great. (I have that stencil, love it!)xo Kathleen

  11. So stinkin' cute! I love this. Pinned to 3 boards!

  12. Terrific idea! Especially the use of the wooden clothes pins. (I saved my mother's wooden clothes pins when i cleaned out her house before the estate sale. I keep them in an old coffee jar in my utility room.) thanks

    1. OH, such a pretty way to use the clothespins...and how wonderful to have your mother's pins!

  13. Love your basket Linda! It's such a fun way to display your wooden utensils and still be able use them.

  14. I am such a fan of your grey wash, Linda! And the stencil is a perfect finishing touch. Your wooden utensils look right at home in this basket, and fit right in with their relatives, the cutting boards ;-) What a fun makeover!

  15. Well that's just darling. I see baskets at thrift stores all the time, but I never thought of painting one. Lovely!!

  16. I am a basket junkie and was searching for simple update. Wow-gray so much better than white for wicker paint wash!
    I put floral foam in my cooking utensil crock near stove. No more fighting to get out what I want-it is standing right there. Will see how it works with real use. Rice,rocks, socks none have worked out the real use test yet. Thanks for your inspiration.

    1. Thank you! Maybe try some floral clay or tape to hold the foam in the basket...

  17. Oh Linda I love your little design corner and the re love of the basket and your wooden utensils. That looks so great with your basket of wood cutting boards. Love the whole look and the clock too. Happy Valentine's Day.

  18. Lovely post and lovely things!!!
    Have a beautiful day :)

  19. Linda, this does not even look like the same basket! That is bananas. I love how you gave it a whitewash and then added the stencil. Plus, it's the perfect way to display your wooden spoons and utensils. You're so creative! I love it. Hugs, CoCo

  20. You are so clever, Linda! This is fantastic and looks perfect in your kitchen with the cutting boards.


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